Classic Green & Red Chutney

This is additional blog Post to Complement other Recipes that may use Green & Red Chutneys in them and the recipes for the chutneys have been outsourced to this article. The Classic India Green & Red Chutney or "Tikhi" & "Mithi" chutney are used as finishing ingredient in many Indian Dishes, Street & Fast Food items. I myself use them in many recipes and so I am sharing my own versions of these classics. Prep Time: 10 mins (for Both Red & Green Chutney) Cook Time: 15 mins (For Red Chutney) Ingredients: This recipe makes about 150g of each chutney. For Red Chutney: Tamarind Paste - 1 Table Spoon Jaggery - 75gms Salt to taste Pinch of Red Chilli Powder Pinch of Cumin Powder For Green Chutney: Coriander - 50 gms Tomatoes - 100 gms Mint Leaves - 5-10 Green Chilies - 2 Pinch of Salt Pinch of Asafoetida Pinch of Cumin Procedure: For the Green Chutney all you have to do is grind all the ingredients in to a corase paste. Check the level of salt once be...